
Helping those least advantaged, those in precarious housing, vulnerable employment, families in crisis, seniors in despair or children running low on hope. All are critical challenges for a community in the 21st century. Addressed singularly, in isolation, episodically or impulsively, they cannot be eradicated, or rolled back. Sustainable, scalable solutions require a different level of engagement. This is precisely what United Way brings to the table in Durham Region, and why we are asking you to be part of a community wide approach which will not only change the individual trajectory of life for many thousands, but in so doing, make this a more resilient and prosperous community.

Join us: The 12-12-12 donate now button on our website makes it easy, safe and fairly quick to help many in a meaningful and impactful way. As little as $12 a month, for 12 months, will help all year round. (If you send the link or an email to twelve friends you will really be helping us provide a community based solution to sometimes global problems.)
Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. And thank you in advance for helping.