Volunteers – A Thank You!
The great strength of the United Way is not only the great breadth and diversity of the services and community needs which we help to support, but equally so, the great breadth and diversity of the support which we receive in so many ways.
A case in point would be the Ride4UnitedWay. Almost 100 volunteers will show up on the day of the ride (many before sunrise) to assist with the execution of this event. They will assist with set up, registration, pledge receiving, information and directions, and eventually marshall the course, support the riders and help with take down. The event would simply not be possible without them. If you are a rider we know that you will take a moment during the day to say “thank you”. Thank you for doing so. We hope the volunteers will have a good time and enjoy the day as much as the riders will enjoy the event. We hope as well that they will leave when it is all over knowing not only how much their efforts were appreciated, but how significantly they’ve contributed to the success of our ability to help so many thousands in the community.